Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why my blogs never last

I'm going to try blogging again.

I don't really know why. This is at least my fourth attempt at a blog, and each previous attempt has ended miserably. I actually wrote a few good posts for a blog I started this past fall, but inevitably I begin to despise my blogging efforts, and I give up and delete everything. Sometimes I don't even get as far as the first post. Probably fifty percent of the time.

My biggest problem with blogging is that I like to sound clever. After posting anything, I spend several days re-reading what I've written and changing things. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but it tends to consume all my time, either because I'm so proud of what appears at the time to be an exceptionally brilliant post, or because I want to say something of substance but can't seem to actually find anything to say.

Another problem is that I get sentimental and post long strings of photographs that don't mean a thing to anyone but me.

I also have a habit of trying to incorporate favorite lines from songs into my posts, but usually they don't have to do with anything that I might actually say, and this is annoying. I spend far too much time trying to weasel in a connection between the line from the song and my thoughts, and I don't ever get very far.

However, despite all these problems, I continually yeild to the temptation of blogging, or at least creating my own space, full of my own thoughts, out in the
open for anyone to stumble upon (and hopefully be impressed by my cleverness).

Yet another friend of mine started blogging though, and here I am. My friends are excellent bloggers. My mother is a fantastic one. Surely, surely, so am I, I always think as I dig through my brain for another clever line from a song to serve as my username for yet another blog. Certainly, at least, I could learn to blog well with practice.

So here I go again. Perhaps the next time you come to read my not-as-clever-as-I-might-have-hoped thoughts, you will find that I have deleted this blog in frustracion, like its predecessors. But perhaps you will find that it's still here. Perhaps I really can learn with practice. I hope so.


Holly said...

Surely, surely! :) Well, or you could just not learn and still be a good blogger. Anyways, I think continuing would be good for learning that your blogging efforts are not despicable. I think anyone who thinks a reasonable amount about what they do has these same issues and you are just harder on yourself.

You said "weasel." You know what I am thinking of.

leslie said...

omg anna, your posts have always been the ones that like, DIDNT annoy me. (i found this site through xanga footprints, btw) you never seemed overly sentimental but never shallow or irritating, and any time you tried to say something deep it really, really was. im the same way though. i hate what i write and i spend too much time trying to make it likeable when i probably never can. i guess public journals would be that way, though, makes sense. ;)buuuut hey, if everyone else in the world blogs, you should too, because yours are actually good to read. =) and im always happy when you write because i miss you. and i LOVE your random strings of photos too.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Anna, do not stop blogging! I would love to hear what you have to say and I can no longer just walk down the hall to hear you, you have to keep it up! Just write what you would say if we were having another one of our late night talks:)

PS: I was wondering if you would be willing to talk to a few friends of mine from my church about sex slave trade ministries and stuff. Some awesome things are going on at my church right now! I need to call you!