Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I finally saw "Slumdog Millionaire" last night. Everyone had been telling me that I would love it, but I thought that it was already out of the theaters so I had given up hope of seeing it before it was released on DVD. But miracle of miracles it was still playing in a theater nearby and I SAW IT!

And it was really wonderful.

It's filmed so artistically that it would be beautiful to watch even if it had a terrible plot and characters, and MIA did a lot of the soundtrack, which made me extremely happy.

I loved the kids; I loved two hours of voices talking with musical, beautiful accents; I loved the overwhelming color and movement, and the huge crowds of people, that portray India so perfectly to me; I especially loved the scene in which Salim was refiling and resealing water bottles to sell to unknowing tourists.

Anyway, I thought it was fantastic.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I'm glad you did!
I thought you would love it
but I wasn't sure.
I thought the cinematography was such best too.