Thursday, September 17, 2009

Home again, home again...

After a summer of searching, getting lost, difficult landlords, and worry over the cost of rent, I have moved into my first ever apartment. It's the third floor of a lovely house owned by a nice couple, the last of three houses on a long driveway off of Route 108. It's very cute, although a bit cold, and we had a little trouble making tea the first morning because the knob marked "front" turns on the back burner. But we now know that our smoke detector works, so I feel confident that if I ever forget to turn the stove off we will not burn the house down.

Here are some pictures:


Emily Elizabeth said...

Ahh! I can't believe you got an apartment! That is soo exciting. It looks like a nice cozy place. =D

Holly said...

You live under the eaves! That is fantastic.