Sunday, July 20, 2008

Five Senses Of Summer

My roommate tagged me, and I was going to do one of those cool things where the words "my roommate" are actually a link to her blog, but I can't figure out how to do that, so I'll just tell you that you can find her blog at

Here goes...List the things you love about summer for each of the five senses.

Fresh blueberries from my backyard, Earl Grey Tea at my house and everyone else's, rain on my tongue, Moose Tracks ice cream

Cold water swimming on my skin, breeze coming through my car windows while I drive, hugs from dirty, sweaty little kids, smooth scarves, flip-flops flopping on my feet, walking barefoot in dirt and mud, rain falling softly

Mist covering the mountains, forests of trees, the stars at night, bright gardens, the ripples of raindrops falling in a pond

The lovely, alive smell of the outdoors, Earl Grey tea, patchoili oil, my favorite hippie clothes store, my friend's hugs (I know that sounds strange, but she has a particular smell...), my mom's ginger and vegetable stir-fry dishes, paint

The brook rushing behind my house, falling rain, crickets and peepers, loud music in my car with the windows down, my brother playing the guitar, conversation rumbling through the house

1 comment:

Holly said...

:) There are so many summers.